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Václav Moravec

Lead Coordinator

Václav is a lead coordinator of CEDMO and his role, among others, includes chairing the Strategic Board and taking strategic decisions for the hub. Václav is also an assistant professor at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, and at the Department of Production, FAMU, Prague. He specializes in the transformation of audiovisual media, journalistic ethics, automated journalism and journalism with artificial intelligence. He is the principal investigator of several European (e.g. 2020-EU-IA-0267) and Czech research grants. He is a member of the executive committee of the PRG.AI initiative for artificial intelligence.


Nik Hynek

Head Of Research

Nik has served as CEDMO’s Head of Research, coordinating research activities in the countries where CEDMO operates on behalf of Charles University as the principal investigator. Nik is also a social scientist working across a range of disciplines, topics, and methods. His full professorship is in Political and Cultural Geography; habilitation in Theory of Politics; and PhD in Security Studies. In the past, he worked within the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a researcher and established there a research center on security. Nik’s articles have appeared in many top-ranked scientific journals.


Anja Grabovac

Project Manager

Anja is a Project Manager of CEDMO, supporting the smooth coordination of the project activities, ensuring that the deadlines are met and the project moves forward. Anja has experience both with the private and non-governmental sectors and was previously involved in Human Resources as well as in project management, focusing on the areas of the European integration process, and disinformation in connection with the Western Balkans region. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and European Studies and spent one year in Budapest at the Central European University Institute.

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Táňa Abrhámová

manažerka komunikace

Táňa působí jako manažerka komunikace CEDMO od února 2024. Má patnáctiletou praxi v oboru public relations, reklamy a médií – z korporátní i neziskové sféry. Před příchodem do CEDMO působila několik let ve společnosti Člověk v tísni, kde vedla mediální tým vzdělávacího programu Jeden svět na školách a koordinovala komunikaci konsorcia českého Safer Internet Centra. Vystudovala obor Podniková ekonomika a management na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze s vedlejší specializací na ekonomickou žurnalistiku.

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Lucie Šťastná

Media Literacy

Lucie is a coordinator of media literacy activities in the CEDMO project. She is also a researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University (MIRA group) and her main focus is media literacy, media education and parental mediation. In the past, she participated on several media educational projects for Czech teachers in the non-profit organisation “Centre of Media Education” (2011-2014). From 2012-2014, she led a research project titled Parents, Children, and Media, supported by the Grant Agency of CU. Between years 2015-2018, she led or co-led research projects that monitored various areas of media literacy in the Czech Republic. During the years 2018-2020, she led preschool education part of the project “Supporting digital literacy development” at Faculty of Education, CU. During the years 2017-2018, she tried to support the discussion about the future of Czech media education by organizing expert seminars in the Senate of the Czech Parliament.

Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska

Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska

Impact of Disinformation on Society Research

Professor Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska is a media expert, specializing in media theory and ethics of professional communication. She has authored almost 70 publications, mostly in Polish, including three books. Her research interests focus on theory of communication and mass media as well as axiology. She is also interested in professionalization of different branches of public communication, in particular journalism and public relations, as well as theory and methodology of discourse analysis in approaches developed by Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.


Joyce Zablit

Fact Checking

Jocelyne is a coordinator of fact checking activities in the CEDMO project. She is also an AFP project manager and AFP journalist with more than three decades of professional experience. She is currently leading several projects in Europe focused on fact-checking and disinformation. She has managed several AFP bureaus during her career at AFP. Her most recent posting was as Bureau Chief for the US West Coast based in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she was Head of the AFP English Europe/Africa Desk, AFP Bureau Chief in Beirut and European Affairs Correspondent then Lifestyle Editor in Washington.


Mária Bieliková

AI Fact-Checking

Mária Bieliková is the Director General at KInIT in Bratislava. She is a former member of the High-Level Expert Group on AI established by the European Commission and is still engaged in national and European discussions on trustworthy AI. Currently she chairs the Permanent Committee for Ethics and Regulation of AI established by the Slovak Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization. Mária Bieliková has led research focusing on human-computer interaction analysis, user modelling and personalization, data analysis and modelling of antisocial behavior on the web.

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