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A fifth of the population declares willingness to defend Slovakia with a weapon in hand


One-fifth of respondents to the latest wave of the representative CEDMO Trends survey declare their willingness to defend the Slovak Republic in the event of an attack with a weapon in their hands. The end of the conflict in Ukraine with the victory of Ukraine is desired by 33% of Slovak male and female citizens. On the contrary, more than 13% want Russia to win. Almost a third (29%) of Slovaks believe that the European Union should negotiate with Russia to end the conflict in Ukraine. These facts emerged from the tenth wave of measurement of the CEDMO Trends longitudinal panel survey.

The defence of Slovakia

Chart 1: Survey question, “If the Slovak Republic was attacked, would you be willing to defend it with a weapon in your hand?”


Chart 2: Survey question, “If the Slovak Republic was attacked, would you be willing to defend it with a weapon in your hand?”


The greatest willingness to defend Slovakia was shown by voters of the opposition parliamentary party Progressive Slovakia – more than 35%. On the contrary, the least willingness to defend the state with a weapon in hand among the parliamentary parties was declared by voters of the Slovak National Party (SNS) – 19%. In the event of an attack, men (35%) declared a greater willingness to defend Slovakia with a weapon in their hands compared to women (17%).

Ending the conflict in Ukraine

Chart 3: Survey question, “How would you like the conflict in Ukraine to end?”


Age groups over 55 would most like to see an end to the conflict through a temporary peace without either side winning (approximately 46%). Young people (16-24 years old) especially want Ukraine to win – 53%. On the contrary, the victory of Russia is mainly wished by male and female residents over 65 years of age.

Within the parliamentary parties, the voters of Progressive Slovakia (83%) wish the victory of Ukraine the most, on the contrary, 35% of Smer – SD voters wish the victory of Russia. Temporary peace without Ukraine or Russia’s victory is especially wished for by SNS voters (63%).

EU position on the conflict in Ukraine

Chart 4: Survey question: ‘The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than two years without a clear outcome for one side or the other. What position do you think the European Union should take towards this conflict?” 


Most residents believe that the European Union should negotiate an end to the conflict with Russia. While more men than women believe that the EU should negotiate with Russia, this is not the case when it comes to the EU’s neutral stance on the conflict. On this issue, up to 32% of women believe that the EU should take a neutral stance towards both sides of the conflict, compared to 21% of men.

Military integration of the European Union

Chart 5: Survey question: “In the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine, there is a debate about the defence capabilities of the European Union. In your opinion, should the European Union seek closer military cooperation?”


Currently, a plurality of Slovaks believe that the European Union should not pursue closer military cooperation because they consider the EU to be a purely civilian and economic project (33%). Students in particular want closer military cooperation (72%), while pensioners are the largest economic group that believes the opposite (58%).

This survey was produced with the financial assistance of Google.

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