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This playlist provides quick tutorials in online tools from AFP journalists. Go back in time using maps, learn how to use your phone to read foreign languages, search the web using a photo or more. Videos featuring specific investigations take you inside AFP’s bureaus around the world where journalists put some of these tools to use every day. For more in-depth training, journalists and journalism students can visit here.

EU vote: telling real from AI in Greek posts about French farmer protests

EU vote: viral post in Romanian falsely warns about EU "carbon passports"

EU vote: French posts wrongly claim parliament vote threatened member state sovereignty

EU vote: viral post by Bulgarian politician misquotes migration study stats

EU vote: AI image shared in Spanish as farmer protest pic

EU vote: not the European Council -- confusion in Hungarian viral post

EU vote: after insect ingredient approval, posts in German stoke consumer fears

Kidnapping video is from Egypt and has no link to India sectarian violence

Fake snow? Flakey theory doesn't hold water

Obama photo altered to falsely link family to Epstein

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