Mária Bieliková
Member of the Strategy Board, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT)
Mária Bieliková is the Director General at KInIT in Bratislava. She is a former member of the High-Level Expert Group on AI established by the European Commission and is still engaged in national and European discussions on trustworthy AI. Currently she chairs the Permanent Committee for Ethics and Regulation of AI established by the Slovak Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization. Mária Bieliková has led research focusing on human-computer interaction analysis, user modelling and personalization, data analysis and modelling of antisocial behavior on the web.

Victor Breiner
Member of the Advisory Board
Victor Breiner worked in the past as war correspondent in Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, for which he was awarded at the Czech and Slovak Press Photo several times. Following his interest in information operations and irregular warfare, he began to pursue security studies and founded Infosecurity.sk. Currently Victor Breiner works as Advisor on Hybrid threats to the Slovak Minister of Defense, authoring policy documents and developing practical counter-disinformation solutions.

Christine Buhagiar
Member of the Strategy Board, Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Christine Buhagiar is AFP’s Director for Europe and has spent her entire career with the Agency. She began on the France desk and then joined the political and afterwards the economics service. She was appointed to the London bureau as News Editor during the Blair years. Returning to Paris she led the creation of a competitive AFP video production. Back to London in 2010 as head of video for Europe and Africa, she was later appointed Deputy Director of video responsible for international development. Christine Buhagiar has become Director for Europe in 2015.

Petr Gongala
Member of the Strategy Board, Demagog.cz
Petr Gongala is the coordinator of Demagog.cz, the sole dedicated fact-checking project in the Czech Republic. He has worked as a fact-checker, authored promise tracking publications and set up voting apps as part of the team at KohoVolit.eu. Besides activism, Petr took part in political research as a quantitative analyst focused on geostatistics and predictive analysis of voting. He is also a senior research analyst at IDC, working with large datasets in advanced statistical models, designing interactive maps and presentations of statistical results.

Ľuboš Greguš
Member of the Project Executive Board, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (UCM)
Ľuboš Greguš works as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM in Trnava. Previously he worked on TA3 TV channel in Slovakia focusing predominantly on foreign news. His professional focus is on news-making in the sphere of electronic media, specialising in research on TV broadcasting, online environment and media audiences. One of his main concerns is the recipients’ ability to interpret broadcast news. Ľuboš Greguš is also a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Communication Today.

Iwona Hofman
Member of the Advisory Board
Iwona Hofman is a Professor in the humanities, focused mainly on social communication and media science. She held several top positions in academia, leading the Faculty of Political Science at Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Poland, its Institute of Social Communication and Media Sciences or the Department of Journalism and the Research Laboratory of the Literary Institute in Paris. Iwona Hofman is the President of the Polish Society of Social Communication and chairs the Committee of Sciences on Social Communication and Media of the Polish Academy of Sciences, among other functions.

Roman Imielski
Member of the Advisory Board
Roman Imielski is the Deputy Editor in Chief and Political Editor of Gazeta Wyborcza, the leading Polish quality newspaper. He heads its investigative team and is responsible for the most important investigative articles since 2016. He also works as a commentator of Polish and international political affairs in TV and radio. As a former Foreign News Editor, he specialized in internal affairs, European Union issues, transatlantic relations and Russia. Roman Imielski is a historian and co-author of the book „The most important Kremlin’s game” about football World Cup in 2018 in Russia.

Sylvie Kauffmann
Member of the Advisory Board
Sylvie Kauffmann is the Editorial Director and a former Editor-in-chief of the French daily Le Monde and is a member of its Ethics Committee. She has extensive experience as foreign correspondent in London, Moscow, in the USA and in South-East Asia. Sylvie Kauffmann was a member of Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Advisory Board and now she is a board member of the Centre de Formation des Journalistes in Paris and the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Yannis Kliafas
Member of the Strategy Board, Athens Technology Center (ATC)
Yannis Kliafas is the President of the Board of Directors and a founding member of ATC in Athens. Prior to this, he has worked as a Research Director in the Hellenic Arms Industry, a Visiting Associate Professor at the Technical University of Crete, Chania as well as a Visiting Professor at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. Yannis Kliafas serves as the President of ATC since 2003, previously being its Managing Director and is a member of the Board and the Steering Committee of the NESSI European Technology Platform.

Luboš Král
Member of the Project Executive Board, Czech Technical University (CTU)
Luboš Král is the Head of the Artificial Intelligence Centre at the Department of Computer Science of CTU in Prague. He is working mainly on projects linking research and development, including areas such as journalism, media, “mission-critical” and “life-critical” systems, including business partnership with large producers of medical devices, telecommunication systems for airports, railways and navy, automotive and others. Luboš Král is focusing on interconnection of research teams, engaging application partners, mainly in informatics, AI and machine learning.

Tomáš Kriššák
Member of the Advisory Board
Tomáš Kriššák is an information security expert, working on combating misinformation and polarisation in Slovakia. He founded Confident Slovakia and Checkbot projects focused on tackling negative sentiments, toxic nationalism and on enhancing critical thinking. Tomáš was involved in several media literacy programs aimed at reducing the impact of misinformation and other societal manipulation and currently works in Gerulata technologies, a Slovak company focusing on information security and monitoring tools for digital platforms.

Ľuboš Kukliš
Member of the Advisory Board
Ľuboš Kukliš is Chief Executive at the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission of Slovakia and Chair of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA). Previously, he was Chair of European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) in 2018 and 2019 and currently leads ERGA’s work on disinformation. Ľuboš Kukliš is a lawyer by training, holds PhD in Administrative law and has authored several books.

Václav Moravec
Member of the Strategy Board, Charles University (CU)
Václav Moravec works at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences of CU and at the Department of Production at FAMU in Prague. He specializes in audiovisual media transformation, journalistic ethics, automated and artificial intelligence journalism. He has authored and co-authored several books. Václav Moravec leads two discussion programmes in the Czech TV and has received several national awards for his journalistic work. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Initiative PRG.AI, among others.

Nikos Papapolizos
Member of the Project Executive Board, Athens Technology Center (ATC)
Nikos Papapolizos is a Project Manager at the ATC Innovation Lab. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government & Politics and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Essex, UK. He has worked for over 15 years as Project Manager and Content Manager in web portals and collaborated with various companies as social media consultant and community manager. At ATC he is involved in online research projects and in activities related to content and web management.

Michal Pěchouček
Member of the Advisory Board
Michal Pěchouček is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) where he leads the Department of Computer Science and the AI Center. As Chief Technology Officer in the cybersecurity company Avast, he is also in charge of its research in AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity. Mr. Pěchouček had previously co-founded several technology start-ups, some of them being acquired by tech giants as CISCO.

Radek Ptáček
Member of the Advisory Board
Radek Ptáček is a Professor of Medical Psychology in the Czech Republic and clinical psychologist. He works at the Psychiatric Clinic of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague. He has published more than 150 original professional papers in domestic and foreign professional journals. Radek Ptáček leads or co-leads a number of scientific research grants and projects in the social field. He is a member of editorial boards of several important foreign journals with Impact Factor.

Martin Solík
Member of the Strategy Board, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (UCM)
Martin Solík works at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication at UCM in Trnava. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Communication Today and the Deputy Managing Editor of Acta Ludologica, being a member of Editorial Boards of several other journals. He is interested in moral, social and political philosophy and among others, his academic writings discuss the problem of social recognition and its media reflections, media portrayals of marginalized social groups, and the influence of media and new ICT on human cognitive processes.

Jochen Spangenberg
Member of the Advisory Board, Chair
Jochen Spangenberg is Deputy Head of Research and Cooperation Projects at Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle. He also lectures at the Free University Berlin in Media & Communication Sciences and is an advisor as well as instructor for Lie Detectors, an NGO that brings media literacy to young people and into classrooms. Since 2020 he has been a member of the Advisory Board of EDMO (European Digital Media Observatory), and before that served on the board of SOMA (European Disinformation Observatory).

Ivan Srba
Member of the Project Executive Board, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT)
Ivan Srba is a Senior Researcher at KInIT. He has expertise in data analysis, machine learning and data mining, with a focus on data emerging from user behavior on social computing and collective intelligence systems, such as social networks, knowledge sharing systems and e-learning. His current primary research interest is in countering online dis/misinformation. His international research record includes projects with Harvard University and the University of Lugano, Switzerland. In addition, he has participated as a Data Scientist and Project Lead in many industry projects.

Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska
Member of the Strategy Board, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)
Professor Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska is a media expert, specializing in media theory and ethics of professional communication. She has authored almost 70 publications, mostly in Polish, including three books. Her research interests focus on theory of communication and mass media as well as axiology. She is also interested in professionalization of different branches of public communication, in particular journalism and public relations, as well as theory and methodology of discourse analysis in approaches developed by Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.

Jocelyne Zablit
Member of the Project Executive Board, Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Jocelyne Zablit, AFP deputy editor-in-chief for Europe, is a journalist with more than three decades of professional experience.
She is currently leading several projects in Europe focused on factchecking and disinformation. She has managed several AFP bureaus and was most recently head of the US West Coast office in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she was head of the AFP English Europe/Africa Desk and AFP Bureau Chief in Beirut.

Jacek Żakowski
Member of the Advisory Board
Jacek Żakowski co-founded in the 1980s Gazeta Wyborcza and served as the first Chairman of the Polish Information Agency. He also co-founded Concilium Civitas, a discussion group of the most outstanding Polish social science scientists working outside Poland at the world’s best universities, such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Oxford. Currently, he is a columnist for the weekly Polityka and the daily Gazeta Wyborcza. He also runs Friday’s “Morning” show in Tok FM radio station and chairs the department of journalism at the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw.