Anja Grabovac
Project Manager
Anja is a project manager at CEDMO. She supports the smooth running of project activities and deliverables and coordinates consortium activities. Anja has experience with both the private and non-governmental sectors. Previously, she was involved in HR and project management with a focus on the areas of the European integration process and disinformation in the context of the Western Balkans region. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and European Studies and spent one year in Budapest at the Central European University (CEU).
Jocelyne Zablit
Project Manager at AFP
Jocelyne Zablit is an AFP journalist with more than three decades of professional experience. She is currently in charge of several projects in Europe focused on fact-checking and disinformation. She has managed several AFP bureaus during her career at AFP. Her most recent posting was as Bureau Chief for the US West Coast based in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she was Head of the AFP English Europe/Africa Desk, AFP Bureau Chief in Beirut and European Affairs Correspondent then Lifestyle Editor in Washington.
Nikos Papapolizos
Project Manager at Athens Technology Center (ATC)
Nikos Papapolizos is a Project Manager at the ATC Innovation Lab. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government & Politics and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Essex, UK. He has worked for over 15 years as Project Manager and Content Manager in web portals and collaborated with various companies as social media consultant and community manager. At ATC he is involved in online research projects and in activities related to content and web management.
Jakub Šimko
A researcher at KInIT
Jakub Šimko is a researcher in the areas of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, human computation, crowdsourcing and human-AI symbiosis. He focuses on the research topic of data augmentation. He is a researcher at KInIT, where he also leads the Web and User Data Processing team. He co-authored more than 40 internationally recognized publications, together receiving more than 500 citations. Currently, he is participating in 4 European research projects. In 2021, he was co-awarded the Best Paper Award at the prestigious ACM RecSys conference for KInIT’s social media auditing research.
Jiří Matas
A full professor, Head of the Visual Recognition Group, Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague.
Jiří Matas holds a PhD from the University of Surrey, UK (1995). His research interests include visual tracking, object recognition, image matching and retrieval, machine learning and pattern recognition. He has published over 300 papers that have been cited more than 66666 in Google Scholar (h-index = 94). He received the best paper prize at the British Machine Vision Conferences in 2002, 2005 and 2022, at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision in 2007 and at Int. Conf. on Document analysis and Recognition in 2015. Matas served as a programme or general chair at ECCV 2004, 2016, 2022 and CVPR 2007 and 2022. He is an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computer Vision was an Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE T. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Petr Gongala
Manager for
Petr manages, the only dedicated fact-checking project in the Czech Republic, and serves on the executive and strategy boards of CEDMO, a regional multidisciplinary hub devoted to combating misinformation. Petr has worked as a fact-checker, authored promise-tracking publications and set up voting apps. He is also a senior research analyst at IDC.
Aleksandra Monkos
A Media and Information Literacy Specialist, a Project Manager at the “Fact-Checking Academy” in Demagog Association (Poland).
With expertise in combating disinformation, Aleksandra focuses on media education and prebunking. An author of educational materials aimed at countering misinformation for teachers and academic lecturers. Trainer conducting fact-checking workshops for pupils, students, teachers, journalists and NGOs, academic lecturer at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU, Poznań, Poland). Ph.D. in political science, journalism and social communication graduate. Author of the book “Polish and Ukrainian NGOs in development cooperation with the media in Ukraine” (2022) and articles that appeared in international peer-reviewed academic journals (Europe-Asia Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, etc.).
Veronika Frankovská
Head of
Veronika runs the project, which verifies the truthfulness of politicians’ statements and verifies misinformation on social networks. In the past, she worked as a PR manager for the Institute for a Well-Governed Society and the Link for the Mayor project. She studied journalism at Masaryk University and international relations at Durham University.
Jana Kazaz
A Research Fellow at the Centre for Democracy & Resilience at GLOBSEC
Jana Kazaz primarily focuses on the topic of the healthy information space, including regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to counter foreign malign influence and the spread of malign content online, especially on social media. She takes an active part in EU advocacy and represents GLOBSEC as a signatory at the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation meetings. Her further research interests focus on the impact of artificial intelligence on democracy, and strategic communication of the public sector. In her previous capacities, she worked for the International Press Institute, Open Society Justice Initiative and White & Case. She holds an LL.M and SJD in Comparative Constitutional Law with Specialisation in European Union Law from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.
Maria Sopotnika
Project Manager at NASK
Maria has many years of experience in project and team management, implementation, support and development of IT systems. She has extensive experience mainly in the public sector: government administration, and Civil Service, but also in the private sector, where she was responsible for the area of ERP systems and the development of IT services. She is a graduate of the Lublin University of Technology, Electrical Engineering: Engineering applications of computer science, then Master of Public Administration (Academy of IT Management of Public Administration ), and recently Master of Business Administration (MBA) Postgraduate Studies in the field of Cybersecurity on Military University of Technology.
Karolína Šramová
Public Affairs team at Seesame
Karolína is a member of the Public Affairs team at Seesame. She pursued her studies in cognitive science and in applied cognitive psychology, gaining insight into the workings of the human mind and behaviour. She specializes in projects and campaigns with social impact and has experience with co-creating and co-leading media literacy workshops.
Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska
Researcher on the Impact of Disinformation on Society
Professor Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska is a media expert. She specializes in media theory and communication ethics. She is the author of more than 100 publications, mostly in Polish, including three books. Her research focuses on communication, mass media theory and axiology. She is also interested in the professionalization of various branches of public communication, especially journalism and public relations, and in the theory and methodology of discourse analysis in the approaches developed by Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.