On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, one of the first educational events aimed at strengthening the media literacy of pedagogues, entitled Truth and Lies in the Online World, took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education of the Palacký University in Olomouc. It was attended by over 150 pedagogues and teacher students from all over the Czech Republic who arrived in the auditorium or joined via the online stream.
The interactive lectures focus on topics that are connected with the critical perception of information in the online environment, especially with distinguishing true and false information in the online environment. There are also topics that deal with so-called information disorders or cognitive distortions, which we are often not aware of when working with information, because we process a large part of information completely subconsciously and react to it subconsciously. We also devote a large part of the lectures to working with emotions and the impact that emotions caused by misleading content can cause.
Lectures are also devoted to the issue of disinformation, misinformation or fake news, the basics of fact-checking or so-called debunking are not missing. Popular topics that we discuss with the participants of the lectures include, for example, the limits of freedom of expression (“freedom of speech”) and the issue of the so-called apolitical nature of schools.
However, the goal of interactive lectures is primarily to offer teachers ideas for activities that they can implement with their students directly in the school environment, across various subjects. Many activities can easily be included in the teaching already at the 1st grade of elementary school. The key is not to focus only on cognitive goals (so-called knowledge and skills), but also on affective goals – i.e. to actively influence the students’ value system and responsibility for what we share on the Internet.
The lectures will continue until March 2023. You can find the list of current dates and the possibility to register in offline or online form on the website: https://www.e-bezpeci.cz/cedmo. Lectures are free for the target group.
For CEDMO hub CR & E-Safety
doc. M.Sc. Kamil Kopecký, Ph.D.
Dominik Voráč, René Szotkowski and Kamil Kopecký from the Czech team of Media Literacy Unit in the CEDMO project.
Interactive audience engagement – voting using mobile phones
Truth and lies in the online world (disinformation, hoaxes and fake news in the public space)