Trust is key to a functioning state and resilient democratic system. Interpersonal trust refers to trust in people, while institutional trust indicates citizens’ confidence in public institutions. Interpersonal and institutional trust are necessary for social cohesion, societal well-being, and good governance. Erosion of trust results in the decline of collective identity, weakening of state authorities, and undermines the ability of a society to respond effectively to a crisis.
Citizens expect government officials to achieve certain performance through specific means aligned with their values. The measure of institutional trust is a window into the functioning of the state and an important indicator as it relates to greater participation, inclusion, and compliance with policies. This paper focuses on institutional trust and specifically on trust in governments in the Visegrad Four (V4) countries, namely the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary.
Read about what the data tell us and how we think institutional trust can be restored in our newest Espresso.
Authors: Veronika Cigáneková, Pavol Kosnáč