Countering disinformation is a permanent challenge in public space. Especially after Russian aggression against Ukraine fighting against disinformation requires cooperation between various institutions, constant raising of social awareness and citizens’ resistance to disinformation. Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska, PhD, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities Professor and CEDMO Strategy Board member, analyzed the challenges of disinformation and presented CEDMO activities in Poland at the workshop “Countering Disinformation – Resilient Civilians” on 8th April 2022 in Wrocław, Poland. The event was organised by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security in cooperation with the European Commission Representation, the City Hall in Wrocław and the European project EU-HYBNET dedicated to combating hybrid threats.
Watch Prof. Stasiuk-Krajewska speech (in Polish) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNznenvd4n0 (slot 47:38 – 1:17:12).